Below is some basic information about school funding. For additional details, please visit the District's website at You'll find extensive data, online brochures, presentations, and other material to answer any questions you may have.

How are our schools funded in DCSD?

They are funded through property taxes, state dollars and mill levy overrides. The state funding formula determines how much revenue the district gets on a per pupil basis. The only way to increase that amount is through a mil levy override (MLO). MLO dollars stay 100% in Douglas County.

What does Douglas County Schools use MLO dollars for?

Each school district can request additional local funding (up to 25% more) through a local Mill Levy Override (MLO). This funding is generally used for students and staff (operational needs such as salaries, staffing, and student programming).

What does Douglas County Schools use Bond dollars for?

Local voter-approved general obligation bonds are used by school districts for capital needs such as constructing new school buildings or additions to existing school buildings, facility repairs and upgrades, security upgrades, classroom equipment, buses, and technology.

For the District's answers to Frequently Asked Questions: Click Here